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    Eine Krankenschwester von einem Krankenhaus, das Frankreichs einzigen bestätigten Fall des SARS ähnlichen Coronavirus der bereits 18 Menschen getötet hat gab selbst zu möglicherweise selber infiziert zu sein, sagte die Französiche Gesundheitsbehörde am Freitag.

    Die Weltgesundheitsorganisation (WHO) erhöhte die Zahl der bestätigten Fälle Weltweit zu 33 nachdem Saudi Arabien sagte, dass zwei Menschen die ins Krankenhaus eingeliefert wurden dort im April durch Laboranalyse bestimmt worden waren mit dem Virus infiziert zu sein…

    Lesen Sie die ganze Geschichte HIER.


    Nicht zuletzt ist die Entstehung eines neuartigen Coronavirus (nCoV)eine wietere Bedrohung von neuen Viren der wir bevorstehen. Da viele von diesen Viren mit dem Menschen von wilden Tieren überqueren, weil Menschen immer tiefer und tiefer in den natürlichen Lebensraum von vielen Kreaturen reingraben. Und wir leben in einer Zeit, wo jeder neue Virus weniger als 24 Stunden von überall auf der Erde entfernt ist.

    GENTAUR biete Ihnen eine Vielzahl von RT-PCR Assays, ELISA Kits, cDNAs und anderen molekularen Reagenzien, die uns helfen eine schnelle Antwort auf alle diese kommenden Bedrohungen zu finden.


    *ELISA Kits

    DEIA1035SARS Coronavirus IgG ELISA Kit - 1912 EUR


    DEIA1036SARS Coronavirus IgM ELISA Kit - 1912 EUR

    DEIA1035/DEIA1036: Dieses Kit verwendet eine feste Phase, indirekte ELISA assay zum Nachweis von IgG/IgM antikörper gegen SARS Coronavirus in zweistufigen Inkubations Verfahren. Mikrotiter Streifen warden vorher mit Coronavirus Antigenen gereinigt.


    *Recombinante virale Antigene

    - SARS-Assoziierte Coronavirus E recombinantes Antigen a.a. 1-76., #00191-v – 830 euro

    - SARS-Assoziierte Coronavirus Nucleocapsid recombinanest Antigen N a.a. 1-49., #00192-v – 830 euro

    - SARS-Assoziierte Coronavirus Nucleocapsid recombinantes Antigen C a.a. 340-390., #00193-v – 830 euro

    - SARS-Assoziierte Coronavirus M recombinantes Antigen a.a. 182-216., #00194-v– 830 euro

    SARS-Associated Coronavirus Spike mosaic recombinantes Antigen S(N) a.a. 12-53/90-115/171-203., #00195-v – 830 euro

    - SARS-Associated Coronavirus Spike mosaic recombinantes Antigen S(M) a.a. 408-470/540-573., #00196-v – 830 euro

    - SARS-Associated Coronavirus Spike mosaic recombinantes Antigen S© a.a. 1051-1076/1121-1154/1162-1190., #00197-v – 830 euro


    - Maus Monoklonal Anti-Mensch schweree akutes respiratorisches Syndrom (SARS-E2) Spezies Reactivität: menschlicher Coronavirus, #MA-20018,- 459 euro

    - Maus Monoklonal Anti-Mensch schweres akutes respiratorosches Syndrom (SARS)-M Species Reactivity: menschlicher Coronavirus, # MA-20018, - 459 euro

    - Anti-SARS Spitzenprotein IgG Spezies Reactivität: SARS, #AB-15710, - 433 euro

    - Maus Anti-SARS Nucleocapsidprotein IgG Species Reactivität: MAUS, #AB-17810, - 498 euro

    - Maus Anti-SARS Spike IgG Spezies Reactivität: MAUS, #AB-17910, - 498 euro

    - Anti-SARS Nucleocapsidprotein IgG Spezies Reactivität: SARS, #AB-18010, - 498 euro

    Recombinantes SARS-ACSM Antigen kann in ELISA und Western Blots verwendet werden, hervorragend für den Nachweis von SARS mit minimalen Spezifität Problemen!

    SARS-ACSMS(M) (Reste 408-470, 540-573) SARS-Assoziiertes Coronavirus Spike Mosaic S(M)recombinant, E. Coli, #PR-1106, - 194 euro

    SARS-ACSMS(C) (Reste 1051-1076, 1121-1154, 1162-1190) SARS-Assoziiertes Coronavirus Spike Mosaic S(C)recombinant, E. Coli, #PR-1105, -194 euro

    SARS-ACN/3 (Reste 1-49, 192-220) SARS-Assoziiertes Coronavirus Nucleocapsid recombinant, E. Coli, #PR-1104 - 194 euro

    SARS-ACN/2 (Reste 1-49) SARS-Assoziiertes Coronavirus Nucleocapsid recombinant, E. Coli, #PR-1103, - 194 euro

    SARS-ACN/1 (Reste 340-390) SARS-Assoziiertes Coronavirus Nucleocapsid recombinant, E. Coli,PR-1102, - 194 euro

    SARS-ACM (Reste 182-216) SARS-Assoziiertes Coronavirus Matrix rekombinant, E. Coli PR-1101,- 194 euro

    SARS-ACE (Reste 1-76) SARS-Assoziiertes Coronavirus Umschlags rekombinant, E. Coli,PR-1100, - 194 euro



    *Menschliches SARS cDNA Klon

    Menschliches SARS cDNA klon, 10 g, Orf Größe: 1545, Vektor: pcDNA4/TO/myc-His A, # DC00346–  181 euro

    Published in News
    Wednesday, 15 May 2013 15:17

    NATtrol MRSA.SA Panel

    NATtrol™ MRSA.SA Panel (NATMRSA.SAP-C) is formulated with purified, intact bacterial particles that have been chemically modified to render them non-infectious and refrigerator stable*. NATMRSA.SAP-C contains 5 x 0.5 mL vials of S. aureus or S. epidermidis NATtrol™ as listed in Table 1. These panels are supplied in a purified protein matrix that mimics the composition of a true clinical specimen. *NATtrol™ Patents Pending

    - NATtrol™ MRSA.SA Panel is designed to evaluate the performance of nucleic acid tests for determination of the presence of S. aureus DNA. NATMRSA.SAP-C can also be used for verification of clinical assays, development of diagnostic tests and training of laboratory personnel.
    - NATMRSA.SAP-C contains intact organisms and should be run in a manner identical to that used for clinical specimens.

    - NATtrol™ inactivation was carried out on the bacterial stock used to formulate panel members. The inactivation was verified by the absence of bacterial growth in a validated growth protocol.
    - The purified protein matrix was manufactured from materials that were screened and found to be negative for HIV 1&2 Ab, HBsAg, HTLV I&II Ab, HCV Ab, HIV RNA, HBV DNA and HCV RNA using FDA cleared kits at the single donor level.

    Catalog #: NATMRSA.SAP-C

    For more information download PDF file

    Published in Promos
    Wednesday, 15 May 2013 14:33

    NATtrol Influenza External Run Controls

    NATtrol™ Influenza External Run Controls (NATFLUA.B-6MC, NATFLUAH1N1-6MC and NATCXVA9-6MC) are formulated with purified, intact virus particles that have been chemically modified to render them non-infectious and refrigerator stable*. Each control contains 6 x 0.5 mL vials of NATtrol™ Influenza A.B or Influenza A H1N1 (2009) or Coxsackie virus A9 NATtrol™.  These controls are supplied in a purified protein matrix that mimics the composition of a true clinical specimen. *NATtrol™ Patents Pending

    - NATtrol™ Influenza External Run Controls are designed to evaluate the performance of nucleic acid tests for determination of the presence of respiratory virus nucleic acids. NATFLUA.B-6MC, NATFLUAH1N1-6MC and NATCXVA9-6MC can also be used for quality control of clinical assays and training of laboratory personnel.
    - NATFLUA.B-6MC, NATFLUAH1N1-6MC and NATCXVA9-6MC contain intact organisms and should be run in a manner identical to that used for clinical specimens.

    - NATtrol™ inactivation was carried out on each control. The inactivation was verified by the absence of virus growth in a validated tissue culture based infectivity assay.
    - The purified protein matrix was manufactured from materials that were screened and found to be negative for HIV 1&2 Ab, HBsAg, HTLV I&II Ab, HCV Ab,HIV RNA, HBV DNA and HCV RNA using FDA cleared kits at the single donor level.

    Catalog #:NATFLUA.B-6MC
    Catalog #:NATFLUAH1N1-6MC
    Catalog #:NATCXVA9-6MC

    For more information download PDF file

    Published in Promos
    Wednesday, 15 May 2013 14:19

    NATtrol CT.NG Panel

    NATtrol™ CT.NG Panel (NATCT.NGP-C) is formulated with purified, intact bacterial particles that have been chemically modified to render them non-infectious and refrigerator stable*. NATCT.NGP-C panel contains 17 x 1.2 mL vials each containing the bacterial NATtrol™ targets listed in the Expected Results. These controls are  supplied in a purified protein matrix that mimics the composition of a true clinical specimen. *NATtrol™ Patents Pending

    - NATtrol™ CT.NG Panel is designed to evaluate the performance of nucleic acid tests for determination of the presence bacterial DNA. NATCT.NGP-C can also be used for verification of clinical assays, development of diagnostic tests and training of laboratory personnel.
    - NATCT.NGP-C contains intact organisms and should be run in a manner identical to that used
    for clinical specimens.

    - NATtrol™ inactivation was carried out on each member in the panel. The inactivation was verified by the absence of bacterial growth in a validated growth protocol.
    - The purified protein matrix was manufactured from materials that were screened and found to be negative for HIV 1&2 Ab, HBsAg, HTLV I&II Ab, HCV Ab, HIV RNA, HBV DNA and HCV RNA using FDA cleared kits at the single donor level.

    Catalog #: NATCT.NGP-C

    For more information download PDF file

    Published in Promos

    In a landmark cancer study published online in Nature, researchers at NYU School of Medicine have unraveled a longstanding mystery about how pancreatic tumor cells feed themselves, opening up new therapeutic possibilities for a notoriously lethal disease with few treatment options. Pancreatic cancer kills nearly 38,000 Americans annually, making it a leading cause of cancer death. The life expectancy for most people diagnosed with it is less than a year.

    Now new research reveals a possible chink in the armor of this recalcitrant disease. Many cancers, including pancreatic, lung, and colon cancer, feature a mutated protein known as Ras that plays a central role in a complex molecular chain of events that drives cancer cell growth and proliferation. It is well known that Ras cancer cells have special nutrient requirements to grow and survive. But how Ras cells cope to actually meet their extraordinary nutrient requirements has been poorly understood—until now. In the study, led by Cosimo Commisso, a postdoctoral fellow in the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Pharmacology at NYU School of Medicine, show for the first time how Ras cancer cells exploit a process called macropinocytosis to swallow up the protein albumin, which cells then harvest for amino acids essential for growth.

    "A big mystery is how certain tumors meet their excessive nutrient demands ," says Dr. Commisso, whose work is funded in part by the Pancreatic Cancer Action Network. "We believe they accomplish this by macropinocytosis."

    The findings suggest that Ras cancer cells are particularly dependent on macropinocytosis for growth and survival. When the researchers used a chemical to block the uptake of albumin via macropinocytosis in mice with pancreatic tumors, the tumors stopped growing and in some cases even shrank. Moreover, pancreatic cancer cells in mice featured more macropinosomes—the vesicles that transport nutrients deep into a cell—than normal mouse cells.

    The discovery of a "protein eating" mechanism unique to some cancer cells sets the stage for drugs that could block the engulfing process without causing collateral damage to healthy cells and suggests new ways to ferry chemotherapeutic cargo into the heart of cancer cells.

    "This work offers up a completely different way to target cancer metabolism," says lead principal investigator of the study Dafna Bar-Sagi, PhD, senior vice president and vice dean for Science, chief scientific officer and professor, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Pharmacology, NYU Langone Medical Center, who first identified macropinocytosis in Ras-transformed cancer cells. "It's exciting to think that we can cause the demise of some cancer cells simply by blocking this nutrient delivery process."

    Crucial to the team's findings is the work of Matthew G. Vander Heiden, assistant professor of biology at the David H. Koch Institute for Integrative Cancer Research at MIT and Christian Metallo, assistant professor of bioengineering at the University of California at San Diego, who characterized how Ras cells derive energy from the constituent amino acids released after protein engulfment.

    Other key contributors include Craig B. Thompson, president and CEO of the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center and Joshua D. Rabinowitz, professor of chemistry at the Lewis Sigler Institute for Integrative Genomics at Princeton University.

    Published in News

    Heart failure is one of the most debilitating conditions linked to old age, and there are no specific therapies for the most common form of this condition in the elderly. A study published by Cell Press May 9th in the journal Cell reveals that a blood hormone known as growth differentiation factor 11 (GDF11) declines with age, and old mice injected with this hormone experience a reversal in signs of cardiac aging. The findings shed light on the underlying causes of age-related heart failure and may offer a much-needed strategy for treating this condition in humans.

    "There has been evidence that circulating bloodstream factors exist in mammals that can rejuvenate tissues, but they haven't been identified. This study found the first factor like this," says senior study author Richard Lee of the Harvard Stem Cell Institute and Brigham and Women's Hospital.

    Heart failure is a condition in which the heart can't pump enough blood to meet the body's needs, causing shortness of breath and fatigue, and it is becoming increasingly prevalent in the elderly. The most common form of age-related heart failure involves thickening of heart muscle tissue. But until now, the molecular causes and potential treatment strategies for this condition have been elusive.

    To identify molecules in the blood responsible for age-related heart failure, a team led by Lee and Amy Wagers of the Harvard Stem Cell Institute and Joslin Diabetes Center used a well-established experimental technique: they surgically joined pairs of young and old mice so that their blood circulatory systems merged into one. After being exposed to the blood of young mice, old mice experienced a reversal in the thickening of heart muscle tissue. The researchers then screened the blood for molecules that change with age, discovering that levels of the hormone GDF11 were lower in old mice compared with young mice.

    Moreover, old mice treated with GDF11 injections experienced a reversal in signs of cardiac aging. Heart muscle cells became smaller, and the thickness of the heart muscle wall resembled that of young mice. "If some age-related diseases are due to loss of a circulating hormone, then it's possible that restoring levels of that hormone could be beneficial," Wagers says. "We're hoping that some day, age-related human heart failure might be treated this way."

    Published in News

    mosquito gentaur antibodiesScientists funded by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), part of the National Institutes of Health, have established an inheritable bacterial infection in malaria-transmitting Anopheles mosquitoes that renders them immune to malaria parasites. Specifically, the scientists infected the mosquitoes with Wolbachia, a bacterium common among insects that previously has been shown to prevent malaria-inducing Plasmodium parasites from developing in Anopheles mosquitoes. Before now, researchers had been unable to create mosquitoes with a stable Wolbachia infection that passed consistently from mother to offspring.

    In this study, led by Zhiyong Xi, Ph.D., at Michigan State University, the researchers focused on Anopheles stephensi mosquitoes, the primary malaria carrier in the Middle East and South Asia. The scientists injectedWolbachia into male and female embryos of A. stephensi and, once they matured, mated the adult females with uninfected male mosquitoes. A stable Wolbachia infection was maintained for 34 generations of mosquitoes, at which time the study ended. The researchers also introduced Wolbachia infection into uninfected adult mosquitoes in a series of experiments in which infected female mosquitoes comprised 5 percent, 10 percent or 20 percent of the mosquito population. In all three experiments, 100 percent of the mosquitoes were infected within eight generations, supporting the potential of Wolbachia-infected mosquitoes as a malaria control strategy. Similar approaches have been used successfully to control dengue, another mosquito-borne disease, in certain settings.

    In their examination of how Wolbachia affects Plasmodiumparasites, the researchers found that the bacterium kills the parasites both in the mosquito midgut, where the parasites mature, and in the salivary glands, from which the parasites are transmitted to humans via mosquito bites. The scientists hypothesize that Wolbachia infection causes the formation of unstable compounds known as reactive oxygen species (ROS), which inhibit the development of the parasites. Future studies might examine whether Plasmodium can become resistant to ROS and explore ways to integrate Wolbachia-infected mosquitoes with existing malaria control strategies, the researchers write.

    Read more about Survival of Wolbachia pipientis in Cell-Free Medium

    The Native Wolbachia Symbionts Limit Transmission of  Dengue Virus in Aedes albopictus

    Published in News

    PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: Each frozen aliquot contains 1 mL of a pure, titered culture of Enterococcus faecium. The identification of this organism was confirmed by 16S sequencing. The purity of the culture was monitored by Gram staining and by additional culturing. The titer was performed on one aliquot after freezing. The freezing medium contains 15% glycerol as a cryoprotectant. Please see the Certificate of Analysis for the specific freezing medium used.

    INTENDED USE: Live, titered microorganisms can be used to determine a limit of detection (LOD), in diagnostic assay development or crossreactivity studies. When used as a control for nucleic acid tests, the same protocols as those used to amplify clinical specimens should be employed.

    BIOSAFETY: Enterococcus faecium is a biosafety level 2 microorganism and must be used within Biological Safety Level 2 facility or cabinet. Please consult your institution’s regulations regarding the use of this organism.

    - Use Universal Precautions, this organism is potentially biohazardous.
    - Repetitive freezing and thawing is not recommended (aliquot material if necessary). Titer will be altered by a single freeze-thaw.
    - To avoid cross-contamination, use separate pipette tips for all reagents.

    Titered material should be stored at -65°C or below.

    These products are intended for research, product development, or quality assurance. These products are NOT intended for use in the manufacture or processing of injectable products subject to licensure under section 351 of the Public Health Service Act or for any other product intended for administration to humans.

    Catalog #: 0801892

    Contact us for additional information

    Published in Promos

    PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: Each frozen aliquot contains 1 mL of a pure, titered culture of Corynebacterium diphtheriae. The identification of this organism was confirmed by 16S sequencing. The purity of the culture was monitored by Gram staining and by additional culturing. The titer was performed on one aliquot after freezing. The freezing medium contains 15% glycerol as a cryoprotectant. Please see the Certificate of Analysis for the specific freezing medium used.

    INTENDED USE: Live, titered microorganisms can be used to determine a limit of detection (LOD), in diagnostic assay development or crossreactivity studies. When used as a control for nucleic acid tests, the same protocols as those used to amplify clinical specimens should be employed.

    BIOSAFETY: Corynebacterium diphtheriae is a biosafety level 2 microorganism and must be used within Biological Safety Level 2 facility or cabinet. Please consult your institution’s regulations regarding the use of this organism.

    - Use Universal Precautions, this organism is potentially biohazardous.
    - Repetitive freezing and thawing is not recommended (aliquot material if necessary). Titer will be altered by a single freeze-thaw.
    - To avoid cross-contamination, use separate pipette tips for all reagents.

    Titered material should be stored at -65°C or below.

    These products are intended for research, product development, or quality assurance. These products are NOT intended for use in the manufacture or processing of injectable products subject to licensure under section 351 of the Public Health Service Act or for any other product intended for administration to humans.

    Catalog #: 0801882

    Contact us for additional information 

    Published in Promos

    PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: Each frozen aliquot contains 1 mL of a pure, titered culture of Staphylococcus simulans. The identification of this organism was confirmed by 16S sequencing. The purity of the culture was monitored by Gram staining and by additional culturing. The titer was performed on one aliquot after freezing. The freezing medium contains 15% glycerol as a cryoprotectant. Please see the Certificate of Analysis for the specific freezing medium used.

    INTENDED USE: Live, titered microorganisms can be used to determine a limit of detection (LOD), in diagnostic assay development or crossreactivity studies. When used as a control for nucleic acid tests, the same protocols as those used to amplify clinical specimens should be employed.

    BIOSAFETY: Staphylococcus simulans is a biosafety level 2 microorganism and must be used within Biological Safety Level 2 facility or cabinet. Please consult your institution’s regulations regarding the use of this organism. 

    - Use Universal Precautions, this organism is potentially biohazardous.
    - Repetitive freezing and thawing is not recommended (aliquot material if necessary). Titer will be altered by a single freeze-thaw.
    - To avoid cross-contamination, use separate pipette tips for all reagents.

    Titered material should be stored at -65°C or below.

    These products are intended for research, product development, or quality assurance. These products are NOT intended for use in the manufacture or processing of injectable products subject to licensure under section 351 of the Public Health Service Act or for any other product intended for administration to humans.

    Catalog #: 0801728

    Contact us for additional information 

    Published in Promos

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