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Phoretix Array Pro
Phoretix Array has a simple and easy to use interface, designed to be quick to learn
It can analyse high-density, DNA and protein arrays. Each array layout can be a regular grid of sub-arrays(pictured) or fully-customisable composite grids.

Two Channel Analysis
Phoretix Array can analyse two-channel arrays, giving measurements as ratios between the two channels. Reporting and measurement are configurable with results available
- Per channel
- Ratios between channels
- Difference between channels
- Fold-change between channels
- Per replicate group

Easy Editing and Visualisation of Results
Phoretix Array provides a scatter plot for visualising results and checking quality control of your experiments
You can edit individual spots, or the grid as a whole and it can easily handle different grid layouts such asinterleaved array grids.

Phoretix 1D 21 CFR
Phoretix 1D is the premium 1D Gel analysis product on the market. Now for labs that need to meet a higher level of data security, there is an advanced version which helps compliance with the 21 CFR Part 11 rules.
It enables the use of secure log-ins, electronic signatures, audit trails with complete data integrity and security for your 1D analysis projects.
System Access and Electronic Signatures
Phoretix 1D 21 CFR uses the Windows security model to restrict access to the software so you can use your regular user names and passwords. User logon is required when starting the software and each user can be set up as either a Supervisor, User or Viewer. Supervisors can then approve completed experiments using an electronic signature.

Data Integrity and Security
Data is stored in Secure Storage Area which can be set up by IT administration. This ensures that data can only be accessed correctly through Phoretix 1D 21 CFR as any data corruption is automatically detected.
Audit Trails
Phoretix 1D 21 CFR keeps audit trails for all the actions each user performs within the software modules including approval signatures, storing a version of the experiment, user logons, all gel analysis actions (e.g. band detection). Each record includes the name of the user together with time and date of action.

Stem-cell transplants may purge HIV
Two men with HIV may have been cured after they received stem-cell transplants to treat the blood cancer lymphoma, their doctors announced today at the International AIDS Society Conference in Kuala Lumpur.
One of the men received stem-cell transplants to replace his blood-cell-producing bone marrow about three years ago, and the other five years ago. Their regimens were similar to one used on Timothy Ray Brown, the 'Berlin patient' who has been living HIV-free for six years and is the only adult to have been declared cured of HIV. Last July, doctors announced that the two men — the ‘Boston patients’ — appeared to be living without detectable levels of HIV in their blood, but they were still taking antiretroviral medications at that time.
Timothy Henrich, an HIV specialist at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston, Massachusetts, who helped to treat the men, says that they have now stopped their antiretroviral treatments with no ill effects. One has been off medication for 15 weeks and the other for seven. Neither has any trace of HIV DNA or RNA in his blood, Henrich says.
If the men stay healthy, they would be the third and fourth patients ever to be cured of HIV, after Brown and a baby in Mississippi who received antiretroviral therapy soon after birth.
But Henrich and Daniel Kuritzkes, a colleague at Brigham who also worked with the men, caution that it is still too early know whether or not the Boston patients have been cured. For that, doctors will need to follow the men closely for at least a year, because the virus may be hiding out in 'reservoirs' — parts of the men’s bodies, such as their brain or gut, that can harbour the virus for decades.
“We’re being very careful not to say that these patients are cured,” Kuritzkes says. “But the findings to date are very encouraging.”
HIV researcher Steven Deeks of the University of California, San Francisco, says that doctors might need to wait at least two years before declaring that a cure has been achieved. “Any evidence that we might be able to cure HIV infection remains a major advance,” Deeks says. But, he adds, “there have been cases of patients who took many weeks off therapy before the virus took off”.
Exciting news
Still, researchers and doctors are excited about the news, especially because the Boston patients’ treatment differed from the Berlin patient’s regimen in one key way. Brown was given stem cells that were predisposed to resist HIV infection, because the donor happened to have a mutated version of a key protein — CCR5 — that is needed for HIV to infect cells. So Brown’s transplant was akin to gene therapy with HIV-resistant cells.
But the Boston patients received stem cells without the protective mutation. The transplanted cells must therefore have been protected from infection by the antiretroviral drugs taken during cancer treatment. Their doctors think that an immune response called graft-versus-host disease — a post-transplant reaction in which donated cells kill off a patient’s own cells — may have then wiped out the patients’ HIV reservoirs, potentially curing the men.
Transplant specialist Christine Durand of Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine in Baltimore, Maryland, says that the case of the Boston patients may show that current antiretroviral drugs are powerful enough, on their own, to protect the transplanted cells. “If cure has been achieved in the Boston patients, then it was the antiretroviral therapy, not gene therapy, that protected the donor cells,” she says.
The finding is very important for people with HIV who also need blood-cell transplants, but the treatment is unlikely to be used more generally because the risks from transplants are high. Durand says that Johns Hopkins is now revising its transplant procedures to keep people with both cancer and HIV on antiretroviral drugs during the transplant regimen.
Separately, the International Maternal Pediatric Adolescent AIDS Clinical Trials (IMPAACT) Group, based in Silver Spring, Maryland, is trying to replicate the Berlin patient’s cure by giving CCR5-mutated HIV-resistant blood from umbilical cords to children and adults with HIV and cancer.
Everyone with HIV could benefit from this work, researchers say, because it could yield valuable information about how to eliminate the HIV reservoir.
“We are still a long way off from a viable cure option for most patients,” Durand says. “But every step counts, and these cases can teach us important lessons.”
Phoretix 1D Pro
Phoretix 1D Pro allows you to perform large dataset investigations in a fast and easy to use interface. It includes Phoretix 1D analysis software together with a robust database to create a powerful analysis platform.
Phoretix 1D Pro can be used for sample strain analysis, such as cultivar experiments, evolutionary biology and population genetics using techniques such as DGGE, RFLP and PFGE.
Compare lanes from multiple gels and experiments
The Phoretix 1D Pro software is extremely powerful as it allows a completely flexible approach to matching. Each individual lane can be compared to any other lane within the database. The results of matching across many gels can be presented as a dendrogram or tables that show all the band and lane similarities.

Identifies lane relationships across many experiments
Clustering lanes using dendrograms, which allow the study of relationships between lanes stored in the database, are easy to create from the match results. Once built, the dendrogram is scalable and fully interactive, to allow a flexible presentation of lane relationships. The dendrogram also allows you to create groups of related lanes that can then be reported on in a cluster table.

Classifies unknown samples
Lanes containing unknown samples can be identified and classified against a defined reference library of identified samples. Maintenance of the library is very straightforward and it can be easily shared with co-workers to facilitate collaboration on large projects.

Phoretix 1D
Phoretix 1D is the premium 1D Gel analysis product on the market.
As well as all of the automated features available in the 1D Gel analysis module of TotalLab Quant it can also perform complex band pattern matching across a gel, which is essential in sample strain analysis, such as cultivar experiments, evolutionary biology and population genetics.
Fast Accurate Quantitation
Highly developed algorithms accurately detect lanes and bands even on distorted gel images. Results can be verified using the range of visualisation tools which aid further examination of lane and band data.
Calibrate the bands using Molecular Size standards and derive accurate quantitation from known band volumes.

Cope with the most demanding analysis
In many cases gel images created in pattern matching experiments are large and there can be significant lane distortion across the image. Phoretix 1D allows you to account for these distortions and significantly improve Molecular Size calibration and matching results
Performs precise band pattern matching of all lanes together or against a set of defined reference lanes.
Finally, your analysed experiment can be sent to Phoretix 1D Pro for further data mining and in-depth lane relationship studies.
Free Copy of TotalLab Quant
In addition to Phoretix 1D you also receive a full working copy of TotalLab Quant that operates on the same PC - representing excellent value and great flexibility.
Order it NOW and get 10% discount
Price: 2273 2046 Euro
ProNano - micro-volume spectrophotometer
ProNano, the micro-volume spectrophotometer is designed for quick and accurate quantification of protein analysis. Focusing on BCA, Bradford and Pierce 660 assay. ProNano has light source with three wavelengths for most of the quantification requirements of protein.
Unlike traditional methods, ProNano needs less sample size, less reacting time, and provides the same performance. Only 2ul samples are needed to be measured, and only 10 minutes reacting time is required, which is much less than traditional 30 mins to 2 hours. The linearity reaches Rsquare > 0.99 for every assay, and reproducibility is stable.
Like MaestroNano spectrophotometer, ProNano needs no calibration, and can be operated by embedded system. Also, the saved data can be accessed by USB port to PC.
Price: 4563 €
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Monoclonal antibodies to human Norovirus GI and GII
We are currently offering a comprehensive panel of antibodies specific for human Norovirus, including GII.4 2012 Sydney strain. MAB223P through MAB228P have been tested across a broad range of strains, as reported in the table below. In addition to being broadly cross reactive to GII.4 genotypes, MAB227P has demonstrated the ability to block ligand binding in surrogate neutralization assays. MAB228P, developed against GI.1 1968 virus like particles (VLPs), has been shown to recognize additional GI types. There are currently five known genogroups, of which three cause human disease: GI, GII, and GIV. According to the CDC, since 2002 GII.4 has been the most common cause of Norovirus outbreaks.
RunBlue precast gels have superior rigidity and stability over traditional polyacrlyamide gels. For your convenience we have already removed the comb. The cassette locks the fingers in place and there is no tape to be removed.
Long term storage of up to 24 months store at 4°C or for 3 months at room temperature. For expiry date see box.
We recommend using RunBlue LDS Sample Buffer 4x which has been specifically formulated for use with our gels. The ions in the sample buffer match the gel buffer and it has a higher density, making it compatible with the density of the running buffer.
Heat the samples, reduced or non-reduced, for 10 minutes at 70°C. Reduced samples should be run within 2 hours to prevent re-oxidation. Maximum volume that can be loaded in the wells is 35 µl.
New Cell Growth Supplement
Replace serum with a fully chemically defined cell growth supplement! It sounds good, doesn’t it?!
It gets even better! You can do that in a fully chemically defined 3D matrix, perfectly imitating the natural environment of the cells in the body!
Imagine no batch to batch differences, no changes in the cells due to unknown components, no contamination! All positives of the serum and the collagen and none of the negatives!
ONLY GENTAUR can supply you with the combination of these two unique products! And we will do it for a very affordable price!
Replace serum with XerumFree!
Replace collagen and other known so far matrixes with Hydrogel Technology!
Japanese scientists cloned a mouse from blood drop
Scientists in Japan cloned a mouse from a drop of blood. Moving blood cells taken from the tail of the mouse donor were used to create the clone, said researchers from the center Ricken Bioresources. Some time ago the same scientists have created nearly 600 exact genetic copies of a mouse.
Mice were cloned from different sources of donor cells, including white blood cells of the lymph nodes, bone marrow and liver. Japanese researchers studied whether the moving blood cells can be used for cloning. Their goal was to find an easy source of donor cells for cloning valuable scientifically types of laboratory mice.
Scientists led by Atsuo Ogura of Bioresources Rikes center in Tsukuba, blood taken from the tail of a mouse donor, isolated white blood cells and used kernel cloning experiments using the same technique as for the cloning of Dolly the sheep in Edinburgh.
The process, known as somatic cell nuclear transfer involving transfer of the nucleus from a cell in the adult body as blood cells or skin unfertilized egg, which was removed the nucleus. Scientists, whose research was published in the journal Biology of Reproduction, said that it shows for the first time that mice can be cloned using the nucleus of peripheral blood cells.
"These cells can be used to clone immediately after isolation, without requiring euthanasia of donor" complemented researchers.