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    Monday, 06 January 2014 15:28

    Bovine Cystocercosis ELISA

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    The GENTAUR Bovine living cysticercosis ELISA is based on 2 mouse monoclonal antibodies that detect only protein of living Cystocerkosis infections. The ELISA can detect Cystocercosis from as low as 10 infections in one adult cattle on 500 ul of crude serum.

    The results on Urine are not 100% accurate due to false positives.

    bottleswenhnjhnjhnjName: Bovine living cysticercosis ELISA

    Product reference: 04-bov-cysto-ELISA

    Price: 455 Euro / 96 wells

    Use: Low detection of living infections, not quantitative but qualitative

    Deze ELISA geeft een juiste diagnose in  100% van alle positieve gevallen, wanneer er meer dan 10 cysticercen aanwezig zijn in het karkas( keuringsverslag) Indien er tussen de 1 en 10 cysticercen aanwezig zijn daalt dit naar 65%. In theorie is 1 cysticerc voldoende om een mens te infecteren.


    bottleswenhnjhnjhnjName:  Rabbit polyclonal anti living bovine cystocercosis

    Product reference: 04-bov-cysto-rab500

    Price: 195 Euro / 500ul

    Use: crude rabbit serum used for WB 1/500, ELISA capture antibody

    Bovine cystocercosis is a parasitic disease that afflicts the muscles of cattle and is caused by larvae of the human tapewormTaenia Saginata. If people consume beef containing these parasites they can acquire intestinal tapeworm infections.

    Bovine cystercosis, also known as bladder worm or beef tape worm, is a parasitc zoonosis due to the cestode Taenia saginata. It causes few symptoms in the animal but it is an important zoonosis.


    OIE, List B disease

    Susceptible species

    The beef is a intermediate host and man is the final host.


    Bovine cysticervosis is worldwilde distributed. In the Pacific it is only reported in Australia and New Zealand.

    Clinical signs 

    In animals there is usually no clinical sign associated. However heavy infections may cause myocarditis andheart failure associated with developing cysts in the heart.

    Post-mortem findings 

    Lesions consist of cysticerci in cysts, they are 5-8 mm by 3-5 mm, translucid and filled with a brownish to pinkish liquid, sometimes the 'head' of the metacestodes can be see as a white spot. Cysts are essentially found in the following muscles:

      •    - Heart,
    •    - Tongue,
    •    - Masseters and Diaphragm,
    •    - Shoulder muscles
    •    - Intercostal muscles,
    •    - Oesaphage

    More rarely cysts are found in the liver, the lungs and the brain.

    Differential diagnosis 

    Lesions must be differentiated from sarcosporidiosis and toxoplasmosis.

    Specimens required for diagnosis 

    The diagnosis is usually made during meat inspection. However serologic test has been developed.


    Beef usually get infected by grazing on pasture contaminated by human feces (which can come from sewage water or direct pollution). Occasionally in-utero contamination occurs.

    Human get infected by eating unproperly cooked meat (<60°C)

    Risk of introduction   

    Introduction could occur through importation of infected cattle, meat or material contaminated by human feces. Humans can also introduce it into the country.

    Control / vaccines 

    Control is done through public hygien and proper meat inspection at slaughterhouse.

    Cysts can be destroyed by freezing  at -18°C for 5 days or at -10°C for 10 days or by cooking at 56°C for 5 minutes.


    •    - BUSSIERAS J, CHERMETTE R, Helminthologie In Parasitologie Vétérinaire, Ecole Nationale Vétérinaire D'Alfort, 1992, p 237-241;
    •    - Office International des Epizooties, 2002
    •    - SOULSBY EJL, Helminths, Echinococcus In Helminths, Arthropods and Protozoa of Domesticated Animals, Lea and Febiger Inc, 7th ed, 1982, Philadelphia, p 107-111
    •    - The importation into New Zealand of Meat and Meat Products, Stuart C. McDiarmid, Wellington, 1991, p. 65-67


    Detectietest ter confirmatie van de visuele postmortem diagnose van rundercysticercose

    IWT project 080132

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