American and Canadian researchers have identified a biomarker which predict which patients are at risk of developing cancer of the prostate or relapsed disease , reported UPI . Andris Zeylstra Medical Center at the University Vanderbilt and John Lewis from the University of Alberta said that some cases of prostate cancer are spread slowly and are not associated with severe symptoms , while others patients experience metastatic disease , often have fatal . Oncologists have long sought biomarkers that identify which patients must pass intensive care
Zeylstra and colleagues examined the protein CD151, which facilitates the migration of cancer cells in the body. Researchers found that when affected by prostate cancer patients CD151 is "free", ie is not bound by his partner, integrin protein, which allows cells to adhere to the surrounding tissue. It turns out that this form of CD151 is important functions in cancer.
"I was surprised we observed that some proteins are CD151 released by the presence of your partner and that it happens when there is a cancer, "said Zeylstra." New in is that it is not about traditional no change the expression of a protein in a protein that modifies molecular state. Namely, it is an indicator of the development of disease. "
The researchers studied tissue samples from 137 patients undergoing to treat a cancer of the prostate in Canada for the past 12 years. The results showed that if patients have "FREE" CD151, the risk of prostate cancer is greater, than for those without detectable "free" CD151.