Bats in Saudi Arabia are the source of a mysterious virus that sick nearly 100 people and half of them died, said, "New York Times". For the Middle respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS) to speak a little more than 15 months after the infection started to kill people in the Middle East and traveled far Europeans. The virus causes severe pneumonia with respiratory failure. With the increase in not only the region but also in Europe, the World Health Organization warned that could lead to an epidemic. The first fear is for the upcoming Hajj, when millions of pilgrims gather in Mecca. Forbid a blast, but the disease has not abated with time.
Initially the virus was associated with the cause of TORS, which has spread to 30 countries and killed 800 people in 2003, but later it turned out that the two strains are genetically different.
In a study published on Wednesday, an international team of doctors attributed the spread of new species of small mammals. But cautioned that many questions remain.
The virus was detected in faecal sample of bat species Taphozous perforatus, who inhabit abandoned buildings and even tombs. But it is not clear how dangerous infection has come to humans because these animals usually do not bite people, and there is no way to contaminate food. According to veterinarian Dr. Jonathan Epstein, who helped in the study, it is possible that infection occurred through inhalation of dust from the droppings of "flying mice". Most likely when cleaning. Similarly hantaviruses is now transmitted by the mice of people.
But it is also possible coronavirus bat first passed in pets and they do it "moved" to the people. Days ago scientists announced they had found a similar virus antibodies in camels in Oman. And even appear hypothesis that they are the source of infection.
Bat with MERS was found in an abandoned house in the date palms in a small town in Saudi Arabia. Near this place had the first store ill man - a wealthy businessman, who died two weeks after entering the hospital. He was the owner and 4 camels. Provide separate houses for his three wives and planned to take a fourth wife, suggesting that he was in good health. But most were infected with weakened immune systems or have chronic problems such as diabetes or cardiovascular disease. The virus does not spread easily from person to person, but there are already cases of illness of a family or people were in close contact.
According to participate in the study, Dr. Ziad Memish needed more tests on animals, and not just bats and camels, but also sheep, goats and cows.