In recent years, people are constantly being bombarded by mass media with threats that if you do not take vitamin D as a dietary supplement, will develop a deficit and will get sick. Only that vitamin D is one of those substances that adopted more harm. How accurate is the measure of the amount of beneficial to health?
Scientific team from the hospital, "John Hopkins" found that "sunlight vitamin" - vitamin D, taken in doses higher than normal, it provides additional advantages for health. Half an hour a day sunlight is sufficient to enable the formation of the minimum required amounts of vitamin D in the body. He also assumes the food.
According to scientists, vitamin D should be taken only on prescription. Dr. Muhammad Amer by the same research team showed that the only ones who need a slightly higher intake of vitamin D are people over 65, women undergoing or have undergone menopause and people with kidney disease. Elevated blood levels of this vitamin is mainly to promote bone health.
Dr. Amer stated that sufficient exposure to sunlight, strong bones, exclusion of vulnerable groups, the intake of vitamin D without prescription is risky for health.
Report of the American Heart Journal in 2012 found that 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels in the blood of more than 21 nanograms per milliliter not only reduce its usefulness, but also directly harm him. Such high doses are able to suppress and reduce the amount of protein bound by the Cardiovascular inflammation - C-reactive protein or CRP. This leads to loss of elasticity of blood vessels, which is a factor of increase in blood pressure and the onset of cardiac problems.
Another factor is the relationship of the vitamin C levels of homocysteine - non-protein amino acid that is a factor in many cardiovascular diseases. High levels of homocysteine are always available when there is a thrombus - a blood clot blocking a blood vessel and can cause heart attack, stroke or pulmonary embolism. In pregnant women is considered to lead to miscarriage and / or preeclampsia - a condition characterized by very elevated blood pressure and presence of protein in the urine. This condition can lead to eclampsia.
Experts advise before buying vitamin supplements to consult a doctor and make a quick blood test. Vitamin supplements should be taken according to the individual needs of everyone, because the difference between benefit and harm is only in dosage.