ProNano, the micro-volume spectrophotometer is designed for quick and accurate quantification of protein analysis. Focusing on BCA, Bradford and Pierce 660 assay. ProNano has light source with three wavelengths for most of the quantification requirements of protein.
Unlike traditional methods, ProNano needs less sample size, less reacting time, and provides the same performance. Only 2ul samples are needed to be measured, and only 10 minutes reacting time is required, which is much less than traditional 30 mins to 2 hours. The linearity reaches Rsquare > 0.99 for every assay, and reproducibility is stable.
Like MaestroNano spectrophotometer, ProNano needs no calibration, and can be operated by embedded system. Also, the saved data can be accessed by USB port to PC.
Price: 4563 €
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