Each lot of IL-2/TCGF is analyzed for its ability to stimulate proliferation of seven to ten day old PHA-transformed human T- lymphocytes. When used at a final concentration of approximately 10% (v/v), IL-2/TCGF will induce a minimum five- fold increase in cell concentration of such cells when seeded at a density of 2.0 x 105/ ml. IL- 2/TCGF, a glycoprotein with a molecular weight of approximately 15,000 kDa, is produced from pooled human PHA-stimulated T-lymphocytes. IL-2/TCGF is purified by several chromatographic steps to remove PHA and interferon.
Each 50 ml bottle contains approximately 25,000 BRMP (Biological Response Modifier Program) units of IL-2/TCGF at a concentration of approximately 500 BRMP units/ml. It is supplied as a sterile solution in 25mM HEPES buffered RPMI 1640 culture medium which is free of serum. IL-2/TCGF protein concentration ranges from 8-22 µg/ml.
Download Natural Human Interleukin-2 (IL-2) / T-Cell Growth Factor (TCGF) Datasheet